About Sportz Fotos

A long long time ago, with my first dSLR, a fur friend inspired me to improve my photography skills, see below - "The Beginning". Soon after, Sportz Fotos was established to specialise in producing high-quality images that will ensure that your sporting event is a memorable one.

Sportz Fotos provides a unique sporting photography service across the Australian Capital Territory & southern New South Wales, Australia.

Wayne is a current holder of an A.C.T. Working With Vulnerable People Card (General Registration) and is also a 2024 Motorsport Australia Accredited Media (Photographer - Silver) Member, as well as a Freelance Pro member of the Media, Entertainment & Arts Alliance (MEAA).

Photographer rates are below. MEAA Freelance Pro rates are here for comparisson.

While motorsport is a passion, Wayne also has a creative streak and also photographs non-sporting events throughout the A.C.T. and Southern N.S.W.

What makes a photo, great or otherwise? Good fortune? Being in the right place at the right time? Timing? A combination of all three? The photo below would be one example of the 'combination' question. Whether it is great or otherwise is in the eye of the viewer. This was how it was captured (39sec YouTube video).

Please contact to discuss your requirements and let us show you how we can make your sporting event a special event.

Examples of the different photos taken over the past 10 or so years can best be viewed on the Sportz Fotos Flickr page. You do not require a Flickr account to view these images.

Best POCs would be via the social media links below.

*Sportz Fotos Your Sport Your Photos, is a registered trademark with IP Australia.

Photographer Rates

Basic - $350/day
- 1. all event photographs, unedited straight from the camera .jpg files,
- 2. delivered via USB at conclusion of daily event,
- 3. digital negatives remain the property Sportz Fotos, and
- 4. selected .jpg files can be used for Sportz Fotos promotional purposes.

Intermediate - $650/day
- 1. same as 1 to 4 above;
- 2. showcase images are edited using either (or both), Adobe Lightroom or Adobe Photoshop; and
- 3. edited showcase images can be delivered either by USB, or Dropbox.

Full - $950/day
- 1. same as above (less delivery by Dropbox); and
- 2. ownership of digital negatives.

Above rate options apply to one photographer only. If the event is of such a scale where an extra photographer/s are required, please add an additional
50% to the above rates for each extra photographer.

* Sportz Fotos was part of the photographer team at the 2020 5K Foam Fest here in Canberra. The day resulted in 8,647 individual photos being taken, with the camera cards being handed directly to the Finisherpix representative at the end of the day. As the cameras used by Sportz Fotos are duel card capable and out of curiosity, 830 'selected' showcase images were edited.
This manual process took 16 hours to complete.

The Beginning

Way back in 2005, when we were looking for a companion dog for our other hairy family member, we read a notice from the R.S.P.C.A. in the local newspaper that had a photo of a young Kelpie X looking for a new home. This certainly caught our attention and within a matter of days after initial doggy introductions and official formalities were completed, we had a new family member now known as "Rusty". Above is a photo of Rusty from 2013.

One of the first things we noticed about Rusty was his nervousness when travelling in a car and when being around the male of the human species. Hardly a challenge. Especially when you are the one throwing a tennis ball. Oh... and that was another noticeable thing about Rusty. His utter focus and speed when chasing a ball (anything other than a tennis ball was promptly ignored). Rusty also returned the ball, ready to re-load and go again... and again... and again.

Here I am, being a very novice photographer, wondering how the heck am I going to get passable photos of this livewire? Well, let's just say the local library was a really big help to begin with. I must have borrowed every known book of photography "How To's" I could get my hands on. One of the big limitations with these books was just how outdated they were. Mind you, they did give me the basics, which in turn led me down the internet path and seeking out various photography forums (one of which I am still a semi-active member of the now defunct "Photography on the Net", where I was able to ask stupid questions, look at some great images and upload photos to be critiqued. And I do mean critiqued. Brutal. But so, so, worth it. Which lead me along to Flickr where I could showcase photos that I thought were A1 (in reality D4) and joined some very good local groups. Around the same time, my workplace also had a bunch of keen photographers and they were also extremely helpful in offering advice.

Around about this time I decided to upgrade my camera gear, from the original Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ3 point and shoot, to my first dSLR, a Canon 30d with 2x kit lenses. The photo below was taken with the Canon and a new lens (at the time), a Sigma 70-200mm f2.8. Which as it turned out, was the beginning of my very serious G.A.S. problem, which is still a bit of a "problem".

As you can see, by now Rusty was more than happy to jump into the back of the car and head off somewhere to chase a ball, running around for hours and then keen for a walk once we get home again. If a walk wasn't forthcoming, he was more than up to a bit of fun and games with Ralph. These two had become the best of buddies and more than happy to entertain the family.... keeping feet out of the way of sharp teeth of course.

Have I mentioned how much Rusty loved to chase tennis balls? I can remember taking him down to one of the large local parks (with Ralph) and Rusty would just follow me around waiting for the ball to be thrown. as. far. as. possible.... I could manage to get a ball a fair way with one of those ball chucker thing-a-me-bobs. Rusty would fetch, bring it back, fetch, bring it back. My throwing arm got tired before Rusty ever did. A trip to the beach was always a treat as well as a great photo op for some action photos. Apparently, I needed more photography practice, but Rusty had a great time diving into the surf getting the tennis ball or cooling off in the shallows in-between fetches.

Unfortunately, our beach trips were curtailed when both Ralph and Rusty picked up a whole bunch of ticks and we had to rush them to an after-hours Vet to have them all removed. Don't think I've mentioned how much Rusty despised a visit to the Vet. Was never a happy experience. Doggy water sport was then restricted to the little pool in the backyard from then on... and Rusty only ever splashed his tummy, never laid down in the water.

As you may have gathered, all of the above has been pure profit. We shared our time with a wonderful, loyal, protective, always on patrol puppy, who grew into a mature, happy family friend and companion who freely gave the family his attention, devotion and love.

Rusty's passing is a loss that was immeasurable, painfully sad and very emotional.

Rusty is now pain free and living the life, chasing tennis balls, patrolling the fence line and barking at the postman.

RIP Rusty (November 2003 - February 2018)